Harnessing Time-of-Flight people counting for energy efficiency gains in buildings
In this article, we will explore the benefits of Time-of-Flight (ToF) people counting for energy efficiencies in buildings, as well as the anonymity and privacy benefits of this technology.
Enhanced energy efficiencies
One of the most significant benefits of Time-of-Flight people counting is enhanced energy efficiencies in buildings.
By having accurate counting data on the number of people in a given space, facility managers can optimize energy consumption, reduce waste and decrease energy expenditure.
For example, if a room or space is unoccupied, the lighting, heating, and cooling systems can be turned off or reduced, saving energy and money.
Additionally, with historic occupancy data, facility managers can identify trends and adjust systems to better align with usage patterns, further optimizing energy consumption and expenditure.
Anonymity and privacy benefits
Another benefit of Time-of-Flight people counting is the data anonymity and privacy it provides. Unlike some other forms of people counting such as using traditional CCTV cameras, which capture video footage of individuals, Time-of-Flight technology only detects and counts the number of people in a given space. This count is output as a number.
Time-of-Flight people counters from Terabee don’t capture any personally identifiable information (PII), such as facial features or clothing, ensuring anonymity for building occupants. Data from Terabee people counting is non-intrusive, with GDPR compliant and data privacy protection by the very design of the technology.
Industry adoption
In the building automation industry, Time-of-Flight people counting technology is gaining traction. Terabee Time-of-Flight people counters sensors can be integrated with building management systems, providing real-time and historic occupancy data to facility managers.
Time-of-Flight people counting technology can be incorporated into Smart Buildings solutions, which leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize energy consumption and enhance occupant comfort. This can mean automatic adjustment of lighting, heating, and cooling systems based on occupancy data, providing significant energy savings while maintaining occupant comfort.
As well as the anonymity and privacy benefits of Time-of-Flight technology can provide a sense of security for building occupants. As this technology continues to advance, we can expect to see further adoption in the building automation industry, contributing to enhanced energy efficiencies and occupant comfort.
Non-instrusive European-made people counters
Terabee people counters provide access to accurate room occupancy data at a fraction of the cost of other systems.
The People Counting L-XL has a wide field of view (1.50 x 1.10 m when installed at a height of 2.40 m). Multiple units can be easily connected together to provide coverage of extra-wide entranceways up to 15 m across.
The smaller People Counting M offers ToF sensing technology into an even more concise package. It delivers a versatile solution suitable for single doorways. You can have the two devices in your solution, since the output format is the same.
Tailor your people counting solutions according to your unique needs.
Contact us to speak to an expert about your project’s challenges and requirements.