Smart building

Why using people counting devices is crucial in public buildings

People counting devices are an ideal solution to help businesses reduce their energy use, expenditure and enhance user experience. Read more.

People flow optimization-Public buildings

Using people counting devices is crucial in public buildings

Public buildings managers are spending large amounts of money to ensure they provide high levels of safety and a wide range of services. Currently, around 60% of the world’s electricity is being used by businesses as they have ventilation systems and lighting turned on, even when rooms are empty. 

Therefore, it is essential that facility managers set an example by reducing costs where possible and taking action to be more environmentally friendly and lower their energy consumption. This blog post will look at how people counting technology plays an important role to reduce energy use and save businesses money.

An ideal solution for public buildings

People counting devices are an ideal solution to help businesses reduce their energy use and expenditure and enhance user experience. They can be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) and other systems to provide people counting data on room and building occupancy, empty or under-used spaces.

Networked occupancy monitoring sensors can be used to automate power-hungry heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) and lighting. The data can also provide insights to enable facility managers to reduce energy expenditure and carbon emissions. The data from people counting systems can also be used to make informed decisions regarding maintenance, planned cleaning, stock replenishments and other business inputs that use budget.

Other key benefits of introducing people counting solutions into a business include:

  • Increase workplace safety and comfort
  • Make informed business decisions
  • Reduce energy consumption
  • Reduce costs
  • Utilize rooms and spaces more efficiently
  • Better allocation of resources and staffing
Smart building management

People counting solutions with Terabee

Installed people counting solutions promptly provide reliable data to enable informed decisions. Depending on the software accompanying them, these devices can be used for continuous and real-time data updates so that building managers can promptly assess room and building occupancy.

Terabee provides people counting solutions for all kinds of public or private buildings (including hospitals, universities, city halls, museums, libraries and offices) that give accurate data on occupancy and the use of designated space within a building. Additional benefits include optimizing cleaning rosters and programmed maintenance based on occupancy data. All the above actions will help reduce energy consumption and save money for business owners and building managers.

The Terabee people counters include the People Counting L-XL, suitable for traffic counting over large doorways and passageways, and the People Counting M, which is more suitable for single doorways and narrow corridors. Both options are GDPR-compliant and guarantee user anonymity while maintaining 95% counting accuracy. 

If you’re looking to implement people counting systems into your building, contact us today, and we can help you find the right solution.

Related products

Terabee People Flow Counting L-XL

GDPR compliant people counting device. Optimize value and reduce costs from your retail operation, smart building or office space
Using advanced Time-of-Flight technology, Terabee People Flow Counting L-XL is GDPR compliant and provides accurate people counting data (98% accuracy or more) by monitoring the number of people entering and exiting doorways or corridors.

Easy to configure and install on high ceilings, the Terabee People Flow Counting L-XL fits any kind of wide indoor entrance, up to 15 meters in a multi-device setup. Our people counting algorithm is capable of filtering out static objects and counting multiple people passing in both directions below the device as they enter or leave a space.

The solution consists of an IoT people counting device and an optional IoT platform. Two product variations allow transmission of the data via Power over Ethernet or LoRaWAN. Interested? Contact us.

Terabee People Flow Counting M 2.0

Get real-time people counting data for single doorways and narrow corridors
Real-time data is the backbone of our modern, fast-paced world especially when it comes to monitoring space usage, occupancy, energy efficiency, security, building performance or tailored services. The Terabee People Flow Counting M 2.0 device is GDPR compliant by design, with a real-time data capability, providing seamless, accurate, and highly effective footfall measurement, at a competitive price.

Using Time-of-Flight technology, the People Flow Counting M 2.0 solution guarantees anonymity in its operations, prioritizing data privacy protection while offering robust, reliable occupancy monitoring.

People Flow Counting M 2.0 is the perfect addition to your Building Management System. The “smaller sibling” of People Flow Counting L-XL, People Flow Counting M 2.0 is designed for smaller doorways and narrow corridors. It comes in both Power over Ethernet (PoE) and LoRa models to best suit your needs.
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