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About Us

A rich history in
sensors deeptech


Drone inspection services


Terabee was incorporated and worked as a specialized drone Inspection Company, technology partner of CERN, servicing complex installations in harsh environments and without the use of GPS technology for indoor navigation.


Micro ToF sensor modules


While addressing robotics navigation projects (both ground and airborne), Terabee specialized and built a business on ToF distance sensors and 3D cameras, used for both anti-collision and positioning of robots

A decade of sensor technology development


Embedded applications for 5 specific verticals


Terabee moves into embedded applications to build added value products for:
1- Mobile robotics
2- Industrial process control
3- Smart Agriculture
4- Parking and traffic management
5- Smart buildings


Strategic Focus into Smart Buildings


The pandemic kills the investment for resources to enter the 5 markets with ready products: Terabee focuses on Smart Buildings with an offering covering People Counting and Air Quality devices


Ultra-focus on People Counting


Terabee specializes in accurate and affordable People Counting devices, meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving market where few competitors offer integrated hardware and software solutions.

Technology and product timeline

From drones to sensor modules to IoT Solutions, into Smart Buildings



Terabee is incorporated as a specialized drone inspection company founded by Max Ruffo, Claudio Parrinello and Bjarne Hadland.

Drone inspections

Drone inspections

Technology partnership with CERN and start of co-developing solutions for autonomous drone inspections of the underground facilities. Indoor navigation was not possible due to missing sensor tech capable of light and fast distance data gathering. The CERN partnership evolved with a focus on sensor tech.

TeraRanger One

TeraRanger One

First release of the TeraRanger time-of-flight (ToF) sensors, for ultra-fast applications requiring low-cost, lightweight distance sensors. Quickly became the N.1 choice as drone altimeter for all Western drone companies.

TeraRanger Duo

TeraRanger Duo

First combined optical + ultrasound ToF sensor for redundancy and data fusion.

Multi-axis solutions

Multi-axis solutions

Launch of the TeraRanger multi-axis distance sensing solutions, able to replace laser scanners by providing faster feedback in parallel from 8 axes.

Lean Sensing

Lean Sensing

Terabee initiated the "Lean Sensing" movement, demonstrating that robot navigation is achievable with less input data, provided it's high frequency. TeraRanger sensor arrays enable robot Mapping and Navigation without laser scanners, a concept initially met with skepticism.

TeraRanger Evo

TeraRanger Evo

Launch of ultra-small EVO indirect time-of-flight range finders with "impossible" combination of 60m range, low-cost, and high performance. these sensor modules were designed with an ingenious "clippable" modular communications interfaces.

TeraRanger Evo64

TeraRanger Evo64

Release of ultra-small 3D camera with 8x8 pixels. This is the smallest 3D camera module with such field of view and range performance. Priced like EVO rangefinders, it was an impressive novelty to market.

3Dcam 80x60

3Dcam 80x60

Release of 80x60 pixel ToF 3D camera, with a compact format and aluminium casing. This was used mostly for industrial process control but tested to drive elevator doors and especially prototyped into the first people counting solutions.

Evo Mini and Swipe

Evo Mini and Swipe

An ultra-thin and lowest-cost ToF module on the market, the Evo Mini rangefinder was launched. This was later transformed into a touch-less gesture recognition interface for doors and machines, having all code embedded in a light micro-controller.

Evo Thermal

Evo Thermal

Our first thermal camera, packaged into the micro factor of the Evo range, with swappable interface backboards. It processes calibrated thermal data, capable of accurately detecting temperature up to 650 degrees C.

First Industrial ToF

First Industrial ToF

First industrial certified ToF product from Terabee, this range finder carried embedded algorithms for solving a number of standard industrial applications such as intrusion alarms, package counting on conveyor belts, etc....

Stock Level Monitoring

Stock Level Monitoring

Agri-tech product for level monitoring in silos based on ToF technology. Our first official product using LoRa communication, it was also fully battery powered to last many years in a harsh environment. It was later tested as river level monitoring for flood prevention projects.

3Dcam VGA

3Dcam VGA

Robust industrial high-resolution (VGA) 3D camera with market leading performance and IP67 rating. This is the first fully rated industrial 3D camera of this resolution from the Terabee portfolio. It hosts computing power for embedded applications.

People Counting L

People Counting L

First product release for counting people flow at doors and corridors. This marks Terabee's entrance in the Smart Buildings market with the first high-accuracy people counting device based on established ToF sensor technology, hence providing inherent privacy protection with performance. This product has evolved into today's FLOW.



Developed wih CERN and for CERN, based on Terabee's deep understanding of Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) and radiofrequency systems, the Proximeter is a wearable device for social distancing using proprietary mesh networking technology.  It allows tens of thousands of people/tags to detect each other while local networks are created and deleted "on the fly".

Industrial Thermal

Industrial Thermal

Industrial grade thermal camera with the lowest cost on the market, containing embedded applications and software to drive other equipment and trigger alarms. 

People Counting M

People Counting M

Designed and launched as a low cost version for People Flow counting to cover small and low traffic passages. It integrates with FLOW (its big brother) for a seamless mix&merge in large installations.

Large door solution

Large door solution

Launch of a solution able to stack multiple People Flow Counters and merge all field-of-views into one, treating the array as a single sensor and covering passageways up to 15m wide. It made the PCL product become PCL-XL (XL hinting to extra large passages), despite today its evolution is simply named FLOW.

Air Quality SB5

Air Quality SB5

Release of the first Indoor Air Quality sensor, using the best sensors on the market and not needing future re-calibrations. This product was designed under a specific customer request and extended the Terabee portfolio for Smart Buildings.

People Counting M 2.0

People Counting M 2.0

Release of a new HW and SW version of our low-cost people flow counter, improving the performance of the first People Counting M, mostly on computing power and communication. Added Lora capability and also analog 0-10V output. Today called FLOW M.

Recess mounting kit

Recess mounting kit

Terabee people counters look good, and are not more intrusive than a smoke detector. Still, with our beautiful Recess Mounting design, the devices can be embedded in ceilings and disappear, like classic LED lighting. A small accessory for a huge visual effect.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Developed proprietary AI techniques for advanced embedded people counting. These were not implemented as the advantage in accuracy was not worth the extra  computing power required. Man-made algorithms won (at least for now).

Occupancy counting

Occupancy counting

Responding to strong customer demand, the OCCUPANCY product is launched. Based on thermal technology, it offers accurate people counting in meeting rooms and/or large spaces due to its huge footprint.

Commissioning services

At the request of our major customers, we started offering on-site and off-site support for critical proofs of concept and large sensor deployments, ensuring for our partners a low-risk, high-performance implementation of people counting infrastructure.