Customer & partner stories - People counting

Terabee people counting joins Planon Marketplace

Planon, a market-leading Smart Sustainable Building Management software company, has added the Terabee people counting solution to its Marketplace, a global network of technology partners.
Terabee Planon Main

In the Planon Marketplace, each partner offers their own unique mix of expertise, skills, solutions and services to ensure maximum business value for Planon’s customers.

Terabee People Counting L Xl On Planon Marketplace 920 X 600 Px

People counting data for retail outlets, smart buildings or offices

Giving data privacy by design, Terabee People Counting L-XL can be found here on the Planon Marketplace.

Running with advanced Time-of-Flight technology, Terabee People Counting L-XL is GDPR compliant and provides class-leading accurate people counting data by monitoring the number of people entering and exiting doorways or corridors.

Easy to configure and install on high ceilings, People Counting L-XL fits any kind of wide indoor entrance, up to 15 meters in a multi-device setup. The Terabee people counting algorithm is capable of filtering out static objects and counting multiple people passing in both directions below the device as they enter or leave a space.

About Planon

Planon is the leading global provider of Smart Sustainable Building Management software that connects buildings, people and processes, providing all building stakeholders with actionable and meaningful insights. Independent market research and consulting firms have consistently rated Planon as a global leader in the market. Planon has implemented its comprehensive solutions for more than 2,800 clients, supported by offices and partners around the world.

Planon Marketplace Image

Get insights into building, workplace and room usage and optimize real estate expenditure with Terabee Time-of-Flight people counting systems.

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