People counting - Smart building

Enhanced, accurate people counting system for large doorways and wide entrances

The People Counting L-XL device is an enhanced people counting system, to enable even wider and higher passageway and doorways coverage.
people counting system for large doorways and wide entrances

New software enhancements extend coverage for five devices, installed at up to 4 meters in height in a wide doorway or passageway, to up to 15.4 meters in width. 

For a single People Counting L-XL device installed at 4 meters high, coverage is now up to 3.4 meters wide. 

“For conference and exhibition centres, schools and universities, hospitality facilities such as hotels and restaurants, retail spaces and large office complexes – any indoor environment that has a particularly wide entrance – reliably tracking the number of people entering and exiting the building, has until now, been a challenge,” says Greg Watts, Head of Marketing & Technical Sales, Terabee.

Flexible and scalable

“A flexible and scalable People Counting solution that fits any kind of indoor wide entrance, to support informed business decisions, is therefore critical. Moreover, this wider field of view, at a higher installation height, means that only one device is needed to cover large doors.”

Filtering and counting software is embedded on the device and the solution is easily configured via a web GUI.

Fast and easy to install on high ceilings, People Counting L-XL is suitable for a broad range of applications related to indoor people counting, while preserving Terabee accuracy (98%+), multi-device capabilities and privacy standards.

People Counting L-XL system for large doorways

Privacy and lighting advantages

The devices use advanced Time-of-Flight technology, collecting non-intrusive depth image data, meaning personal identities cannot be captured. This makes the solution GDPR compliant by design. Since the device does not require high levels of ambient light to function, it retains its accuracy even in very low light conditions.

“Terabee People Counting L-XL is ideal for building managers and integrators wishing to measure the footfall at specific locations, using the data to ensure healthy ROI metrics are maintained,” said Greg Watts.

For more information visit our Terabee People Counting L-XL product page, or talk to a member of our team to find out more.

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